
This Broccoli Compound Slows Aging

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This Broccoli Compound Slows Aging about undefined
A recent study shows a certain natural compound reverses the aging process by making cells act younger than they actually are. It’s called nicotinamide mononucleotide, or NMN for short.

This and other forms of nicotinamide have generated a lot of buzz in the anti-aging field. Many call them the “Fountain of Youth.”

Discover how this amazing element brings youth back to your cells and slows down the aging process…

NMN Helps Your Cells Function Properly

NMN plays a vital role in how cells use energy by increasing the production of another compound called NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide).

NAD is critical for converting energy from the nutrients you eat into a form the cells can use. But as our bodies age, they produce less and less NAD.1 When NAD levels drop, mitochondria (our cell’s energy powerhouses) begin to deteriorate and not function properly. And as you may already know, mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with many age-related diseases and health problems.2 So, to sum up, NMN helps reverse the aging process by increasing NAD levels in the body, which enables cells to function properly and more efficiently, the way they did when they were younger.

It Sure Works For Mice

In a 2016 study published in Cell Metabolism, researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine discovered nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) balances out what happens in aging cells and thereby rejuvenates them.3 When Dr. Shin-ichiro Imai and his colleagues gave normal aging mice NMN over a 12-month period, NAD levels increased and many age-related problems went away.

They noted the NMN-treated mice converted food into energy more efficiently, showed more physical activity, and didn’t gain as much weight -- even though they ate more than the control group. The supplement appeared to have no adverse side effects, and the mice had better blood sugar levels, bone density and improved eyesight.

There was more good news. The researchers observed NMN quickly absorbs into the blood stream from the gut within two to three minutes and converts to NAD immediately in major tissues with no toxicity.

The supplement served up a dazzling array of benefits. But remember, these were mice. We need confirmation that the results will hold up in humans. According to the information we have, members of the same research team, located in Tokyo, Japan, are trying to do exactly that.

NMN Boosts NAD By Becoming NR First

As I mentioned earlier, there are other nicotinamide compounds. You may have heard of one of them -- called nicotinamide riboside (NR). Widely known under the brand name Niagen, it’s been the subject of a marketing blitz by a number of supplement companies.

Many studies suggest NR may be the best precursor to NAD to help prevent certain age-related problems and diseases. But NR is found in a limited number of food sources (mainly cow milk4) when compared to NMN, which is naturally found in a number of vegetables.

However, both compounds are similar in that they are NAD precursors as well as forms of vitamin B3.

A study performed by researchers from Switzerland and Spain and published in Nature Communications explains how NMN and NR work together to increase NAD.5 NMN cannot directly enter the cell membrane; it’s converted into NR by an enzyme called nicotinamide riboside kinase 1 (NRK1). This enables NMN to enter the cell and increase NAD levels.

How to Add NMN to Your Diet

You can consume NMN in many natural foods, such as broccoli, cabbage, cucumber, edamame, avocado and tomato. All these fruits and vegetables boast many other health benefits and are well known as some of the must nutritious foods you can find.

NMN is also available as a supplement online and in health food stores.
  1. NAD and the aging process: Role in life, death and everything in between.
  2. The dynamic regulation of NAD metabolism in mitochondria.
  3. Long-term administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide mitigates age-associated physiological decline in mice.
  4. Nicotinamide riboside is a major NAD+ precursor vitamin in cow milk.
  5. NRK1 controls nicotinamide mononucleotide and nicotinamide riboside metabolism in mammalian cells.

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