A Secret To Longevity Lies In Your Blood: How Lowering Uric Acid Levels Increases Lifespan about false

A Secret To Longevity Lies In Your Blood: How Lowering Uric Acid Levels Increases Lifespan

Discover the link between uric acid and longevity. Recent studies have found that lowering your uric acid levels can help you live longer.

Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation Can Slow Your Biological Aging Clock about false


Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation Can Slow Your Biological Aging Clock

New way to fight aging and sharpen your memory: How to stimulate your vagus nerve with a quick, easy treatment.

Harnessing Adult Repair Stem Cells: The Future of Regenerative Medicine about false


Harnessing Adult Repair Stem Cells: The Future of Regenerative Medicine

Adult repair stem cells reside in tissues throughout the body waiting to be called upon to fix any damage.

Eight Personality Traits That Will Propel You To The Century Mark about false


Eight Personality Traits That Will Propel You To The Century Mark

Much has been written about the influence of your diet and lifestyle on the way your body ages, but far less about your personality traits.

Bite Sized Bursts of Vigorous Activity Will Lengthen Your Life about false


Bite Sized Bursts of Vigorous Activity Will Lengthen Your Life

Do some yard work, shovel snow, or sweep the driveway, mop the floor, carry a heavy shopping bag, climb up stairs...

Is The Naked Mole Rat Our Fountain Of Youth? about false


Is The Naked Mole Rat Our Fountain Of Youth?

Is The Naked Mole Rat Our Fountain Of Youth? The naked mole rat can hardly be described as cute. With its large buck teeth and wrinkled, hairless body, this small, sausage-shaped rodent wouldn’t win

Renting shaves more years off life than being an ex-smoker or unemployed about false


Renting shaves more years off life than being an ex-smoker or unemployed

Your home can be a danger to your health. The conditions you live in can affect your physical and mental health in multiple ways. This has been understood since the 19th century.Recently, researchers

How To Shake Away What Ails You about false


How To Shake Away What Ails You

When it comes to finding the best natural treatments to help you grow healthier, it can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. The search is made even harder by the fact that sometimes

The Goldilocks Weight Secret For Longevity about false


The Goldilocks Weight Secret For Longevity

Are you a woman who wants to live to 90 and beyond?Fascinating new research now suggests a new longevity factor: A certain weight is linked with greater longevity in older women. Our editorial team

Is This Energy Drink Nutrient The Fountain Of Youth? about false


Is This Energy Drink Nutrient The Fountain Of Youth?

We certainly wouldn’t recommend Red Bull. But it does contain a fascinating sulfur-rich amino acid designed to enhance physical performance. It’s called taurine. Outside the athletic community

Gerovital H3 – The Original Anti-Aging Remedy about false


Gerovital H3 – The Original Anti-Aging Remedy

The late Ana Aslan’s client list read like a Who’s Who of 1960s Hollywood: Dyan Cannon, George Hamilton, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Marlene Dietrich, Lillian Gish, Kirk Douglas, Bob Hope and more. Each set out

Eat “Plant-Rich” and Live Longer about false


Eat “Plant-Rich” and Live Longer

Around here, we’ve found that if you want to optimize health and boost longevity then you need to focus on your day-to-day lifestyle habits. Science reveals the importance of everything from exercise

Are You Suffering From Inflammaging? about false


Are You Suffering From Inflammaging?

A common feature of aging is chronic, low grade, systemic inflammation which leads to tissue degeneration and is a characteristic of most - possibly all - age-related diseases.It’s called

Three Easy, Natural Ways To Stop Frailty about false


Three Easy, Natural Ways To Stop Frailty

When you think of the diseases that can change your life dramatically-- or even take your life-- conditions like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, stroke, and cancer are usually top of mind. But the truth is,

Frankenstein And The Rejuvenating Effects Of Young Blood about false


Frankenstein And The Rejuvenating Effects Of Young Blood

The story sounds like something straight from a sci-fi movie. An eccentric multimillionaire on a quest to defeat aging transfused himself with blood taken from a teenage boy.But this is no

Top Three Natural Senolytics And Why You Need Them about false


Top Three Natural Senolytics And Why You Need Them

We’ve written a lot about senescent cells lately. These are cells that have grown old and stopped functioning normally. We called them zombie cells in the past and they’re linked to a number of

What’s The Best Exercise For Longevity? about false


What’s The Best Exercise For Longevity?

It’s not exactly news that exercise is linked to health and longevity. And most of us are aware of the federal guidelines recommending at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity every week.But

Live Longer With This Ancient Ayurvedic Formula about false


Live Longer With This Ancient Ayurvedic Formula

The traditional medical system from India, Ayurveda, has been used for centuries to help heal everything from the common cold to cancer. Historically, practitioners of Ayurveda have used a variety of

How A Vampire Facial Could Help You Look Years Younger about false


How A Vampire Facial Could Help You Look Years Younger

Do you look in the mirror and wish you could iron out some of those wrinkles? Well, thanks to a procedure called platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy, anti-aging experts say you can.Celebrities like

Does Comfort Food Really “Comfort” You? about false


Does Comfort Food Really “Comfort” You?

If you reach for a sweet or savory treat when you’re feeling down, you’re not alone.From cookies and ice cream to burgers and fries, comfort food sounds, well, comfortable. But comfort foods usually

Turn Back The Clock With Light about false


Turn Back The Clock With Light

Dentist Praveen Arany had an idea to make tooth extraction easier on the patient and on his treatment plan. Dr. Arany investigated different ways that he could speed up a patient’s healing following

The Cheapest, Easiest Way To Save Your Brain Cells From Aging about false


The Cheapest, Easiest Way To Save Your Brain Cells From Aging

Vitamin B has long been lauded for its brain benefits. Past research has linked depression, dementia, and mental impairment with a deficiency of B vitamins.1And many nutritional experts recommend

Like Cold Weather? New Discoveries Explain Why A Colder Climate Boosts Longevity… about false


Like Cold Weather? New Discoveries Explain Why A Colder Climate Boosts Longevity…

Florida is a popular retirement destination, but if you want to live a long and healthy life, it’s better to find a cooler place to live. That’s because science links colder temperatures to better

This Memory-Boosting Mineral Stops Your Brain From Shrinking about false


This Memory-Boosting Mineral Stops Your Brain From Shrinking

Did you know that magnesium is a vital mineral for maintaining optimal brain health? It has a host of brain benefits and plays a crucial role in brain function, including energy production,

Ancient, Gentle Exercise Strengthens Senior Bodies about false


Ancient, Gentle Exercise Strengthens Senior Bodies

Staying active can sometimes be challenging, especially for older adults who face limitations of frailty and loss of strength.Frailty affects seven to 12 percent of people over the age of 65 in the

Grocery Store Secret Stops Vision Loss about false


Grocery Store Secret Stops Vision Loss

No one wants to lose their vision. Because as soon as it worsens, life gets a whole lot harder.Suddenly, you have to depend on other people to do things for you – like driving to the bank or going to

The Drug That May Stop Aging about false


The Drug That May Stop Aging

More than 60 years ago, an herb called goat’s rue became a traditional therapy for diabetes. Big Pharma was intrigued. In fact, the pharmaceutical industry used it as the primary source of a natural

Meeting Up With Friends Will Add Years To Your Life about false


Meeting Up With Friends Will Add Years To Your Life

“Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy.” What was taught in the Book of Proverbs is just as true today.The health benefits of socializing are well established, but is

Is Your BMI Lying About Your Longevity? about false


Is Your BMI Lying About Your Longevity?

Conventional medicine points to obesity and carrying excess weight as a risk factor for death only in the morbidly obese. But that’s not true.According to a new study they’re wrong. And what these

New Study Shows How You Can Reverse Aging about false


New Study Shows How You Can Reverse Aging

Look in the mirror and you’ll see an older you than in previous years. The cellular damage this reflects is seen not just in your skin but in organs and tissues throughout your body. It can lead to

Nut Consumption and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: Are Peanuts Good For The Heart? about false


Nut Consumption and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: Are Peanuts Good For The Heart?

When it comes to eating healthy, the mainstream still gets it wrong.They’ll tell you to trade in your favorite foods for sugar-free, fat-free, chemical-ladened Franken-snacks. But that’s a terrible

Age-Promoting Zombie Cells Can Be Zapped Back To Life about false


Age-Promoting Zombie Cells Can Be Zapped Back To Life

“‘Is this too good to be true?’ is the question I often ask,” says Dr. Michael Sheetz, an award-winning mechanobiologist who has taught at Duke Medical School, Columbia and now at the University of

Amazing Anti-Aging Protein Turns Back Time about false


Amazing Anti-Aging Protein Turns Back Time

Recently, some anti-aging researchers have argued for more people to start taking rapamycin, a drug that has been used to prevent organ transplant rejection, to slow the aging process.Rapamycin can