Four Science-Backed Ways To Reduce Stress And Anxiety To Help You Stay Young! about false

Four Science-Backed Ways To Reduce Stress And Anxiety To Help You Stay Young!

People suffering with long-term anxiety and/or depression have an increased risk of developing cancer

What’s The Best Exercise for a Longer Life? about false


What’s The Best Exercise for a Longer Life?

Raising your heart rate (with exercise) is important, but it looks like connecting with other people is, too.

Meeting Up With Friends Will Add Years To Your Life about false


Meeting Up With Friends Will Add Years To Your Life

Health benefits of having friends in your Golden Years.

Five-Second Stress Reliever Restores Your Whole Body about false


Five-Second Stress Reliever Restores Your Whole Body

All that’s required is to put your lips together and hum. New medical research reveals it’s a stress-busting technique we should all try.

Does Being Religious Stave Off The Grave? about false


Does Being Religious Stave Off The Grave?

People attend places of worship to praise their God, hear messages of hope and spiritually bond with others in their religious community. Yet engaging with religion delivers benefits way beyond the

Seven Easy Habits To Stop Dementia about false


Seven Easy Habits To Stop Dementia

When it comes to defending against health problems like memory loss, the mainstream often skips over approaches like diet, exercise, and sleep… and goes straight to handing you a prescription for a

Will Intermittent Fasting Help Or Hurt You? about false


Will Intermittent Fasting Help Or Hurt You?

Intermittent fasting is said to protect against heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and cancer. It’s even touted to increase longevity. In fact, we’ve written about it here in regards to helping

The Health Boost You Only Get When You Age about false


The Health Boost You Only Get When You Age

None of us like to be reminded about the physical and mental decline that comes with aging, but it’s not all bad news.One very damaging health issue that can have dangerous results actually gets

What’s Worse Than Smoking? about false


What’s Worse Than Smoking?

You, like most of your health-conscious friends, would probably do everything in your power to give up smoking because you know it’s a life shortening activity.Yet there’s a danger that comes from

Overlooked Lifestyle Factor Can Age You… Or Help You Grow Younger! about false


Overlooked Lifestyle Factor Can Age You… Or Help You Grow Younger!

It’s no surprise that smoking and drug abuse are two examples of behaviors that speed up the aging process. Certain illnesses do the same.Now, new research has uncovered a largely ignored aspect of

An Easy Way To Add Seven Or More Years To Your Life about false


An Easy Way To Add Seven Or More Years To Your Life

If you think of yourself as “over the hill” or believe “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, you may be hastening your own demise.That’s because the link between beliefs surrounding aging and

What Will Help You Live Longer, Genes or Lifestyle? about false


What Will Help You Live Longer, Genes or Lifestyle?

Around here, we are keen on stacking the longevity deck in your favor. And fortunately, many dedicated scientists worldwide share our zeal for healthy aging. From what to eat, to how to exercise, to

How Much Alcohol Is Too Much For A Long Life? about false


How Much Alcohol Is Too Much For A Long Life?

New research from the University of Oxford reinforces what we’ve long believed: Drinking isn’t good for you.1 But how much is too much?Let’s take a closer look at the effects alcohol has on the way

Beat Back Heart Disease, Dementia, And Early Death With This “Virtual” Trick about false


Beat Back Heart Disease, Dementia, And Early Death With This “Virtual” Trick

Fall is here. And while you’re probably ready for brisk air and changing leaves, the autumn season is the gateway to the dreary, shorter winter days – making it harder for those living in some areas

Can Money Buy a Longer Life? about false


Can Money Buy a Longer Life?

It’s said that money can’t buy you happiness. That’s certainly true. But there’s something money can buy, apparently. According to researchers wealth can buy you a longer life.Read on to find out

What is a Good Age to Die? about false


What is a Good Age to Die?

While longevity is a goal for many, others are concerned about living too long and enduring any suffering that might come with it.For example, the popular British singer and TV presenter, Cilla

Can You Really Cheat Aging and Death? about false


Can You Really Cheat Aging and Death?

Recently we wrote about new research suggesting that one day it may be possible for the average human to live to 120 or even 150 years of age—nearly doubling the average human lifespan in the

How Being a Workaholic Impacts Your Longevity about false


How Being a Workaholic Impacts Your Longevity

Work. Work. Work. Are you a workaholic who typically logs way over 40 hours a week?In our modern society this practice isn’t always frowned upon. In fact, a non-stop work life is like a badge of

Are You Being Nagged Into an Early Grave? about false


Are You Being Nagged Into an Early Grave?

"Still haven't repaired the fence, cleaned out the garage, or picked up the dog's prescription? How many more times do you have to be told?"Nagging is one of the most common relationship complaints

Seniors Enjoy a Better Quality of Life Than Three Decades Ago about false


Seniors Enjoy a Better Quality of Life Than Three Decades Ago

Are older people better off mentally and physically today than the previous generation?Yes, at least in Finland, say researchers who just published a study on aging in the journal Ageing Clinical and

These Healthy Choices Lengthen Life, Even For Those With Chronic Conditions about false


These Healthy Choices Lengthen Life, Even For Those With Chronic Conditions

It often takes an acute health crisis to get people to the point where they are willing to change direction and adopt a healthier lifestyle.But what if someone has two or more chronic conditions such

How to Grow Younger with the Right Attitude about false


How to Grow Younger with the Right Attitude

When researchers investigated why some folks age better and stay healthier longer than others, they were surprised to find that one powerful factor in their favor can be simple: attitude.The evidence

Trust Me - Your Attitude to Others Will Help You Live Longer about false


Trust Me - Your Attitude to Others Will Help You Live Longer

It's sometimes called the 'glue' that binds societies together. And yet trust has been declining across the U.S. since the 1960s.You could say our trust in others has gone from bad to worse with the

We’re Just Three Decades Away from Immortality, says Leading Scientist about false


We’re Just Three Decades Away from Immortality, says Leading Scientist

There's good news for anyone under the age of 40. You're not going to die... at least that’s what Dr. Ian Pearson believes.In fact, Dr. Pearson says that anyone who’s alive by the year 2050 will be

Strike Up the Band! Your Memory Will Thank You! about false


Strike Up the Band! Your Memory Will Thank You!

Virtually every list of recommendations for brain health includes something about the benefits of playing a musical instrument.The good news is, even if you dodged piano lessons as a kid or played

Being Positive About the Future Adds Years to Your Life about false


Being Positive About the Future Adds Years to Your Life

Most Americans feel pessimistic about the country they're leaving to future generations. That's the depressing outcome of a recent survey conducted by NBC News and The Wall Street Journal.The

How Long Will You Live? The Answer Might Be in Your Hands about false


How Long Will You Live? The Answer Might Be in Your Hands

Way, way back when I was in college, we’d say “get a grip” to someone who was losing control of himself – someone who needed to pull himself up and stop being foolish.Turns out “get a grip” may also

The Surprising Anti-Aging Effect of Living in Space about false


The Surprising Anti-Aging Effect of Living in Space

51-year-old astronaut Scott Kelly lived in the International Space Station for almost a year while his identical twin brother Mark continued with life on earth. As an astronaut, Scott is a member of

Three Proven Ways to Up Your Life Expectancy about false


Three Proven Ways to Up Your Life Expectancy

If you’re looking to give yourself a better chance of living a longer life, ask researchers who investigate how lifestyle habits are linked to longevity. They’ve produced some easy-to-follow

Shocking Discovery: Holocaust Survivors have Longer Life Expectancy. Why? about false


Shocking Discovery: Holocaust Survivors have Longer Life Expectancy. Why?

People who survived the Holocaust experienced higher levels of physical and mental illness in their later lives.This is hardly surprising. They lived under horrendous conditions, with inadequate

Why Do Presidents Tend to Live a Long Time? about false


Why Do Presidents Tend to Live a Long Time?

I bet you’ve seen those photos documenting the changes that occur in presidents during their stressful tenures. After a year or two, they are already showing signs of wear and tear; wrinkles line

Big Changes are Already in the Works for the 100-Year-Life Society about false


Big Changes are Already in the Works for the 100-Year-Life Society

The number of centenarians in the US has already soared by 58% in the last seven years alone. The Census Bureau projects numbers will increase seven-fold over the next four decades, to 600,000 people

What Will Life be Like When Millions Live Past 100? about false


What Will Life be Like When Millions Live Past 100?

Education. Work. Retirement. That’s your life plan. It's a simple, three-stage model we have all learned to expect. But this model is rapidly becoming out of date.For the last two centuries life

Life Expectancy Is Going Down – Here’s How to Buck the Trend and Live Longer about false


Life Expectancy Is Going Down – Here’s How to Buck the Trend and Live Longer

Since the early 1900s it’s been taken for granted that our life expectancy, year by year, would keep getting longer and longer. What with improved knowledge of nutrition, better medical care and more

Are You Working Yourself into an Early Grave? about false


Are You Working Yourself into an Early Grave?

If workers in Germany, the richest country in Europe, can enjoy 40 days off a year, why do we Americans take only 17 days’ vacation?Even with this miserly number, more than half of us don't even use

Put on a Happy Face - It Will Extend Your Life about false


Put on a Happy Face - It Will Extend Your Life

Be happy. Enjoy life. It pays off in spades. Scientists even have an estimate as to how long it will take you to see a change in your physical health: about three years.1In our instant-gratification

The Lazy Man’s Guide to Living Longer about false


The Lazy Man’s Guide to Living Longer

If you want to maximize your life expectancy, you have your choice of special diets, exhausting exercise programs and complicated lifestyle changes you can adopt as you try to live as long as

The Visionaries Who Believe We Can Live Forever about false


The Visionaries Who Believe We Can Live Forever

"We may have a society in which robots will drift away from total metal toward the organic, and human beings will drift away from the total organic toward the metal and plastic, and that somewhere in

An Unlikely Combo Increases Lifespan by 36 Per Cent about false


An Unlikely Combo Increases Lifespan by 36 Per Cent

One of the hallmarks of aging is cellular senescence. Cells lose the ability to divide, differentiate, and replicate -- yet stubbornly refuse to die.These senescent cells not only lose function, but

Can Some People Stop Aging Completely? “Yes,” Italian Researchers Say about false


Can Some People Stop Aging Completely? “Yes,” Italian Researchers Say

When Italian researchers analyzed the health and mortality of Italian seniors, they came to a startling conclusion: As far as longevity and life expectancy goes, quite a few of the people in their

Put Your Hands Together and Live Almost Four Years Longer about false


Put Your Hands Together and Live Almost Four Years Longer

The late Dr. Cyril Clarke was a renowned British physician, geneticist and professor of medicine. After 1984, with the explosive increase in the number of people living beyond 100, he began to take a

If You Want to Stay Young, be a Kidult about false


If You Want to Stay Young, be a Kidult

If you're looking for a secret recipe to feel younger and enjoy a longer, happier life, here’s an answer that’s straightforward, painless and cheap.All you have to do is think young, act young and